Artist’s Reception: April 19, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Visual Noise features 740 recent letterpress poster prints by acclaimed letterpress printer and book artist Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. Kennedy is an internationally-recognized fixture in the letterpress community. Renowned for his bold use of typography and renegade letterpress technique, he has built a forceful, witty, and incisive creative practice. He is careful to align his work and persona, using both to interrogate past and present experiences of race, class, education, labor, and art. The letterpress posters in this exhibition include selections from several series of work, drawing on a wide range topics and texts including (but certainly not limited to) the words of Rosa Parks, declarations for the necessity of books and libraries, forceful reminders of America’s foundational relationship with slavery, the alignment between food and identity, and praise for acts of skilled making.
While his work is widely exhibited and held in collections, he ensures access to his posters by selling them at affordable prices. Visual Noise will culminate with a “Cash & Carry” event, and all posters will be available for purchase.
Kennedy will be in residence on campus April 15-19, conducting a week-long series of events co-sponsored by The Wells Book Arts Center, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the String Room Gallery and the Wells College Scholar-In-Residence program.
All are welcome to join Kennedy at the following public events during his residency:
- Open Printing Drop-In Session: April 15, 3:30-6:00 p.m. — Morgan Hall
- Open Printing Drop-In Session: April 16, 3:30-6:00 p.m. — Morgan Hall
- Tea Time with Amos: April 17, 3:00 PM — Sommer Center
- Documentary Film Screening, Proceed and Be Bold: April 17, 7:00 p.m. — Stratton Hall Room 209
- Artist Talk, Talkin’ Loud and Sayin’ Nothin‘: April 18, 6:00 p.m. — Stratton 209
- Closing Reception and Cash & Carry, Visual Noise: April 19, 6:30—8:00 p.m. — String Room Gallery