March 22 – April 26, 2018
The String Room Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by interdisciplinary artist H.R. Buechler, the outgoing Victor Hammer Fellow at the Wells College Book Arts Center. The exhibition marks the culmination of Buechler’s two-year fellowship at the college, and features a collection of recent works Buechler created between 2016-2018.
Through a variety of reproductive media, understood as acts of translation, Buechler addresses a variety of concerns regarding our relationship with historic and contemporary communication systems, the dis/functionality of language, and loss as both an ephemeral and material phenomenon. Each piece in W+W explores what is lost and gained in the intellectual and physical processes of translation, and attempts to quantify—materialize—the gap/the space/the void between each medial transaction by exposing translational errors. These errors, which Buechler reads as “miscommunication”—information lost, but also gained—augments the final message materialized in the works throughout the exhibition.
With W+W we are asked, how do we quantify the unquantifiable?